Thursday, July 30, 2009

Surprise surprise surprise... i come with the second one already!!!! and that is because I can't sleep and my mind is full of random thoughts and heart full of the urge to post these.

Firstly, I just thought of counting the number of people around me, the people who I know well, who are happy with most things happening in their life. I wonder why this one came but I find my result of this analysis very intriguing. I know 1 (yes, only one) person who I am sure as hell that they are happy with their life right now. Now, there could be a few caveats I want to acknowledge that I am aware of, before I start reading too much into that number. Firstly, maybe I am not really in sync with most of my friends because of various reasons that I think are irrelevant to the point that I am making here. Secondly, I might not be the best judge of people and not really able to understand or be sensitive to their feelings or for that matter might not have the ability to build an accurate understanding of whats on their mind. Finally, you might argue that I do not know enough people to have a large enought sample set to base any inference on. On the last one, I would argue back asking you to go and check out the number of people on my friends list on facebook (hahaha...this one is such a fraud argument since I am hardly in touch with like 5% of that number on a reasonably regular basis...but still I am a management consultant by profession (right now) and I love to support my arguments with facts and numbers).

Anyhow, coming back to the number of 1 that I mentioned. No, I am not lying about it and neither do I think it necessary to name this person. For sure, I have grown quite fond of this person of late and that is also besides the point of this post. Also, I do not want to take anything away from the rest of the people and apologise to anyone who thinks they are not that 1 person and might choose to be offended at being categorised as being unhappy in life. But the fact that they chose to assume that I categorised them in the unhappy category, could arguably be a supporting argument to the fact that they indeed belong to that category.

Now, after all that BS (and I want to state that I have been in top form in BSing of late), I would come to the point or the questions that this analysis forces me to think of. Why are we not happy? Is it something about the age or the age group that I am part of? What would it take for one to be happy or for that matter for us as a group of people to be happy? How does it feel to be happy???? Alright, before I sound too unhappy with life or negative or give you a reason to speculate on the reasons as to what prompted me to ask such heavy questions about happiness, I would stop here with the questions. But I am sure you get the drift, don't you? (If you don't, then dude please surf away from this one and get a life and a brain and a heart probably...)

Aa couple of weeks back, I would have claimed that there were two such people that I knew of but I have recently been apprised of the developments in the life of this erstwhile member of this elite club and I feel sad for how things changed for this one. The even more sad part is that this person couldn't help it. And maybe, most of us can't. Which is something that makes these questions all the more relevant.

No, I would not attempt to take a shot at any of those questions. If could have the answers that number would have gone back to 2! And anyways, I think its more hepp to ask good questions and provide good answers.

Alright, I could go on and on with this one since its so philosophical and I am in that sort of a mood where I am just thinking but I want you to stop reading now and maybe think about this a bit. Maybe...just maybe, that might help that number that I am talking about...hopefully!

I know...this post was unsurprisingly random...

The First One

If you are reading this blog, it is quite likely that you know me. And if you know me, chances are that you would also know that I am not too ingenious or brilliant or a revolutionary thinker who would come up with a whacky, witty, out of the box idea for a first ever blog post. So, quite obviously, this one is going to be about why I started this blog.

I guess the name of the blog says it all. I decided to start this blog at a totally random moment with a totally random thought in a totally random mood. I decided to start this blog jlt about 10 minutes back just because I had put up a status update on facebook some couple of hours back and felt like putting up another update with another thought that was on my mind. With the goldfish memory* that I have, I of course don't remember now what it was but trust me i had a thought i wanted to share on facebook. Just that, I hate putting up status updates by the hour and flooding people's home pages with random updates that makes no sense to them or which I think most people would find irritatingly useless and arbit. So, courtesy of a totally random thought that I could express what I want to express through a blog, in a totally random context that I described above, I have decided to start writing my own blog. Having said that, I would of course put up the link to this blog as my facebook status update right away and I can not help that!!!

At the halfway stage of this post, I want to thank you for your best wishes for this blog and also for just in case you have decided to come back to this blog regularly in the future. I decided to write in this note of thanks at the half way stage since I was reasonably sure that unless you really like me, you would have decided to surf away from this post by now and I wanted to thank you for spending 5 useless minutes on this post, before you go away.

I want to add a comment or two about the intention of this blog. Quite clearly, this blog would be totally random. Being a management consultant by profession (right now), my default approach to anything is to outline an approach upfront (which is what I am doing right now with this sentence) and then solve for issues along the way - like I had this huge urge of describing the intended structure of this post right upfront and then dedicate a paragraph each to it. But, for some reason I want to keep myself from doing that intentionally. I don't know why. As for the topics that I would expect to cover on this blog - I don't know. I know that I am not someone who is intellectually super charged and highly opinionated, so do not expect any of those posts. Though I do hope to put up a few interesting ideas on this space soon. I remember that in the past couple of weeks I did have a couple of ideas that I found quite interesting and unique myself and think that they are worthy of this space. However, given the glodfish memory that I have, I really don't remember any of them right now. But I do hope that I would put them up.

Ok, now I know that there are two words / phrases that I have killed on this one through their frequent use - random and glodfish memory. I know, but I couldn't help it - those two are totally ringing in my head right now and I am trying hard to not use them again through the rest of this one.

Finally, I want to acknoweldge the fact that I am feeling a strange sense of happiness and relief after writing this post. I want to articulate why but I am afraid that I would kill the feeling If I do, so I wouldn't. At this point, I want to thank my bro for suggesting, for some random reason that I don't know of as yet, that I start writing a blog. So, here I am!!!!!